Saturday, July 18, 2015

Goodies at Lyfe of Style

At Lyfe of Style you can get the Temptation Lingerie Set for only 75L each color! It comes on all clothing layers and also has appliers for Omega and Slink Physique and you get Stocking Appliers as well.

The Vixen dress is also available there for 150L, which is 25% off the regular price.

Don't forget to Like the Urbanista Facebook page. Very soon I will be hosting exclusive contests and gifts exclusive to followers of my page. Like it here:

Urbanista now has an inworld group for those that prefer to receive their news that way it's:

Saturday, July 4, 2015

July Group Gift

Group Members & Subscribers are eligible to get the July Gift. If you're not a subscriber, you can find the kiosk at the main store. Or join the inworld store, secondlife:///app/group/de037973-b7ed-00f3-3a82-c1a601275113/about

Thursday, July 2, 2015